I2C LCD Module + 1602 LCD


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This 16-character by 2-line display has a very clear and high contrast white text upon a blue background/backlight. It also includes a serial I2C/IIC adaptor board pre-soldered to the back of the LCD. This means it can be controlled with just 2 I2C serial data pins (SDA & SCL) and so requires far fewer digital IO pins when controlled from a microcontroller. In total, the module only requires 4 wires including 5V power and GND. Contrast adjustment is also provided by the daughter board via a potentiometer.

These modules are currently supplied with a default I2C address of either 0x27 or 0x3F. To determine which version you have check the black I2C adaptor board on the underside of the module. If there a 3 sets of pads labelled A0, A1, & A2 then the default address will be 0x3F. If there are no pads the default address will be 0x27.
The module has a contrast adjustment pot on the underside of the display. This may require adjusting for the screen to display text correctly.

Note: If pressure is applied to the I2C daughter board it is possible for it to bend and come contact with the LCD module. Please ensure when the LCD is installed in your application that no external object is applying pressure to the back of the module.


  • Interface : I2C
  • I2C Address : 0x3F
  • Supply voltage : 5V
  • Contrast Adjust : Through Potentiometer
  • Backlight : Blue


  • Length: 27.7mm
  • Width: 42.6mm

Package Includes:

  • 1 x 16X2 Character I2C LCD Module (1602A)
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